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Today the Griffin Crime Family, led by Susan E. “Ma” Griffin headed to court and the show was well worth the price of admission. While the hearing was short and sweet it provides some essential insights into the upbringing that produced Couy Griffin. Ma Griffin, a sitting New Mexico Magistrate Judge, demonstrated that she lacks ethics and competence. Couy Griffin and companion Chris Lord, both defendants in the case, appeared by phone. Let’s have a tiptoe through the BS.

The hearing today was the result of a landlord-tenant (owner-resident) suit brought by a tenant/worker residing in a property nominally owned by Susan E. Griffin for, among other things, harassment, trespassing, diminution of services and being an ass. Ma Griffin missed her deadline to answer and did so the day before court never serving the plaintiff. Did I mention Ma Griffin is a Magistrate judge?

It came to the attention of the Court at this hearing that the water had become inoperable on the property recently prompting the judge to remind Susan E. Griffin that is not lawful. It was embarrassing to watch the judge have need to talk to Ma Griffin like she was an ignorant hick. The comedic relief in this segment of the proceeding was when it became obvious that Griffin was going to have to pay emergency rates to the well company to fix the water since Couy Griffin and his companion Chris Lord have been trespass noticed off the property. That left both Ma Griffin and her boy fuming with Judge Christopher A. Mitchell having to silence them both on various occasions. I will never forget the tone in Judge Mitchell’s voice when he asked Ma Griffin if he needed to write an order to get the water back on forthwith. Neither will Ma G I suspect.

Couy Griffin did not disappoint during his brief appearance distinguishing himself again. Wandering off into an unhinged rant of spurious allegations Couy had to be silenced not once, not twice, but three times during his angry tirade. Otero County Republicans voted for this guy that transferred this shack to his mother to avoid a judgment execution. What a fine son.

Ma Griffin was a gift that keeps on giving demanding to know who the spectators were. Of course Judge Mitchell told her this was an open court. Why did she want to know who the spectators were? I mean she had to have some reason greater than idle curiosity. Why indeed?

All in all the day was a good one ratifying that the law applies to the Griffin Syndicate just like everyone else. Stay tuned. This is just going to get better as these bandits face justice.

For those of you unfamiliar with Erin Clements, she and her husband and fellow grifter David Clements have been fleecing rubes far and wide with one lie after another regarding our local elections infrastructure. So far I have largely left the matter entirely in the hands of a group of concerned citizens since they are doing a great job combatting the treasury leaches on both sides of the dais. That has to change just a little since Erin Clements insinuated that my wife, son and I are election criminals in her latest fact free rant. Now let me get to answering the question at hand.

It is my contention that including their lies in fundraising efforts is sufficient to support federal wire and likely mail fraud against the Clements Syndicate aka New Mexico Audit Force aka NM Audit Force. Before that furiosus of a husband of hers starts hurling defamation at me I will go about laying out in a few paragraphs and exhibits the elements. I am only going to deal with a single example I can quickly document.

Exhibit #1

Above Erin claims that the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) was shuttered from March and December and that voter registration for MVD makes up more than 70% of the County Clerk’s registration business. By fibbing about the closure Clements was able to bootstrap a claim that a significant portion of the registration activity had to be fraudulent. I know it does not make any sense, but they are looking for rubes.

Now for the other 2 exhibits my wife renewed her license in Sept. 2020, my son got his on Oct. 1 and I replaced mine on Oct 1. All with registration activity. But Mike how is that possible? Erin and David Clements would have to be lying grifters looking for free lunch on the backs of suckers for this to be true, right? BINGO



OK, so what will the Clements lie about? If they will lie about such an easily verifiable fact I doubt they have any restraint whatsoever. What I do know is that above you have evidence that David and Erin Clements of New Mexico Audit Force are liars and charlatans.

Don’t get your shorts in a knot David. The video that goes along with that screenshot only gets worse. As for you David mention to Scot you are my obsession now.

For the rest of you, do you know of lies the Clements have told to raise money? Please look out for the rubes that have fallen for their web of lies with their bank accounts and send us more examples. If you want to see David and Erin fight for their survival for 24 months in the federal pokey then keep the emails coming.

Well here we go again. The last thing on my mind for over a year until today has been writing. Then the Otero County Commission authorized $50k for an election audit. For those of you not in the loop our commission is composed of three self-styled conservatives. The flip side of that is that the true composition is one con man, a feckless bimbo and one nice guy sans the courage to stand up to the con artist. The three came together today to shaft the taxpayers of Otero County. It isn’t just the $50k giveaway to EchoMail, a CRM company in MA, to conduct an audit of the last election. It is the manner in which data will be collected. A government agent will be coming to your door to verify the voters residing there. No really.

The idea to burn $50k is the brain child of Otero County District II Commissioner and Cowboys for Trump LLC founder Couy Griffin. When Griffin is not embarrassing the county or dodging the tax man he has taken to bankrupting this poor government dependency. In order to conduct this questionable audit Griffin has enlisted an ad hoc group calling themselves “New Mexico Audit Force” everywhere except where such organizations are typically named like here The idea this brain trust has is that since they are are volunteers they cannot be state actors. The best part of this is the derelict former assistant prosecutor serving as legal counsel to this donation seeking assumed name, David Clements. Clements, backed up by the group’s apparent leader and wife Erin, pulled off an hours long presentation assuring the Commission that for $50k they and their carpetbagger from Cambridge would find fraud at all costs.

You think I am joking? These clowns intend to run a door to door canvas of the county to validate voter registrations. How long before one gets shotgunned off a porch in Oro Grande or pull their concealed and kill a homeowner in Chaparral? Who is going to pay for this? You. Why? Because the voter rolls can only be requested for campaign or governmental purposes – 1-4-5.5NMSA 1978

C.  Each requester of voter data, mailing labels or special voter lists shall sign an affidavit that the voter data, mailing labels and special voter lists shall be used for governmental or election and election campaign purposes only and shall not be made available or used for unlawful purposes.

Here are the definitions:

E.  As used in this section:

(1)       “election campaign purposes” means relating in any way to a campaign in an election conducted by a federal, state or local government;

(2)       “governmental purposes” means noncommercial purposes relating in any way to the structure, operation or decision-making of a federal, state or local government;

Obviously this is not campaign related, so the only way for these shysters to get their hot little hands on the voter data is governmental use and that makes them an arm of the state the same as any other government agent or perjurers. 1-4-5.6 NMSA 1978

B.  Any person, organization or corporation or agent, officer, representative or employee thereof who commits unlawful use of voter data, mailing labels or special voter lists is guilty of a fourth degree felony and upon conviction shall be fined one hundred dollars ($100) for each and every line of voter information that was unlawfully used.

Of course these guys would never do anything unlawful to get voter data.

But how can the only legal way for the volunteers to get the data be in furtherance of a governmental function and they not be governmental actors? If you saw the two of these clowns begging for dollars you could appreciate David’s bizarre version of the law. The county attorney tried to warn the three stooges, but… in the end it is the taxpayers paying the costs of litigation while Couy Griffin gathers his carpet bag and returns to Catron County.

Stay tuned. This is a breaking story and there is a lot more fun to be had.