Couy Griffin – Anatomy of a Grifter

Tonight I am going to tell you a story. A story of a man both small and petty yet poisonous to the community like meth. A story of a man that embodies greed and evil, hypocrisy and dishonesty giving sleaze a bad name wrapped tightly in sanctimonious piety for the sole purpose of avoiding a day’s work. I refer, of course, to disgraced former Otero County District II Commissioner and current J6 probationer Couy Griffin. A man that puts the free in freeloading and con in con man. The story is as pathetic as it is vile leaving this tale in need of 3 parts. In tonight’s installment I will explore the latest scam being run by our very own lord of the flies.

Griffin’s latest scam bit him in the ass last weekend leaving him in jail for 3 days. Our story begins when, last year, Couy became civilly exposed owing to some unpaid fines. In an attempt to avoid a lien Griffin transferred his rental property to his mother, Susan Griffin, of Reserve, NM. The scheme to hide Couy’s assets follows on the heels of material misstatements about his finances to both federal and state courts in order to secure taxpayer funded lawyers in his several criminal cases. Let’s get into the details.

Couy Griffin makes his living soliciting donations under the guise of various needs from fundraisers to pay for lawyers to his current gofundme which is more honest than most of his fundraisers as it simply asks the reader to send him money so he can avoid getting a job.

Recently I have been removed from office for only standing up and fighting for transparency and justice. This results in losing my livelihood.

If you can help in this difficult time your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Couy Griffin

Griffin has raised over $25,000 on that fundraiser yet the taxpayers are again footing the bill for his criminal defense. He isn’t raising it off of millionaires either. Here is a $25 donor:

Dear Sir, I’m a retired 81 year old Texas woman who can’t do much in this fight except support you with prayer and a small donation. I pray God will bless you in your travails in the courts, give you HIS perfect peace, and the legal help you need. GOD keep you in your walk with Him. Sincerely, Miss [redacted]

Now you might be asking yourself why this fine fella needs a criminal defense attorney again. For that we have to circle back to that rental property Griffin no longer owns. In order to get this shack fixed up enough to compete with trailer park rentals Griffin engaged a painter from the east coast to travel to Otero County to work rehabbing this property. Couy ended up not keeping up his end of the bargain and the whole thing ended up in landlord tenant court because housing was part of the deal. Keep in mind Couy does not even own the property. On 3 occasions Griffin took it upon himself to enter the residence included as compensation for the paint contract to harass the resident after eviction and counter suit were filed. OSCO deputies were dispatched at least 6 times to the home incident to Couy Griffin trespassing in and around the residence before deputies finally arrested Griffin for 3 counts of trespassing and 2 counts of criminal harassment which is why Couy wants a free lawyer.

The short of it is Griffin basically stranded the painter and refused to keep his end of the agreement.

Now for you unfortunate folks that bought into this corn pone cowboy story I regret to have to inform you it is as phony as the rest of the Griffin persona. As a young adult Couy Griffin worked in the wild west show at Euro Disney until complications led to a quick departure. Upon his return to the USA he realized how people liked the horse and started Griffin Brothers Wild West Show and Rural Ministries Inc, a nonprofit corporation. There is no doubt Griffin wanted to be a cowboy, but his rodeo results showed he was better suited for grift. This turned out to be true.

For those of you that consider yourselves conservatives how is it possible for you to support a professional beggar who leeches free lawyers off the government? How do you social conservatives reconcile his bible thumping with his drinking, pot smoking and conduct too immoral to detail here? But he says what you want to hear, right?

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Mike Morris

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