Griffin Crime Family Heads to Court

Today the Griffin Crime Family, led by Susan E. “Ma” Griffin headed to court and the show was well worth the price of admission. While the hearing was short and sweet it provides some essential insights into the upbringing that produced Couy Griffin. Ma Griffin, a sitting New Mexico Magistrate Judge, demonstrated that she lacks ethics and competence. Couy Griffin and companion Chris Lord, both defendants in the case, appeared by phone. Let’s have a tiptoe through the BS.

The hearing today was the result of a landlord-tenant (owner-resident) suit brought by a tenant/worker residing in a property nominally owned by Susan E. Griffin for, among other things, harassment, trespassing, diminution of services and being an ass. Ma Griffin missed her deadline to answer and did so the day before court never serving the plaintiff. Did I mention Ma Griffin is a Magistrate judge?

It came to the attention of the Court at this hearing that the water had become inoperable on the property recently prompting the judge to remind Susan E. Griffin that is not lawful. It was embarrassing to watch the judge have need to talk to Ma Griffin like she was an ignorant hick. The comedic relief in this segment of the proceeding was when it became obvious that Griffin was going to have to pay emergency rates to the well company to fix the water since Couy Griffin and his companion Chris Lord have been trespass noticed off the property. That left both Ma Griffin and her boy fuming with Judge Christopher A. Mitchell having to silence them both on various occasions. I will never forget the tone in Judge Mitchell’s voice when he asked Ma Griffin if he needed to write an order to get the water back on forthwith. Neither will Ma G I suspect.

Couy Griffin did not disappoint during his brief appearance distinguishing himself again. Wandering off into an unhinged rant of spurious allegations Couy had to be silenced not once, not twice, but three times during his angry tirade. Otero County Republicans voted for this guy that transferred this shack to his mother to avoid a judgment execution. What a fine son.

Ma Griffin was a gift that keeps on giving demanding to know who the spectators were. Of course Judge Mitchell told her this was an open court. Why did she want to know who the spectators were? I mean she had to have some reason greater than idle curiosity. Why indeed?

All in all the day was a good one ratifying that the law applies to the Griffin Syndicate just like everyone else. Stay tuned. This is just going to get better as these bandits face justice.

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Mike Morris

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