Ma Griffin Implicates Couy Griffin in Fraud

Just when you think defendant Catron County Magistrate Susan E. “Ma” Griffin and her crime family have reached the pinnacle of absurdity – they file another paper. This time the paper is the Answer to the Complaint by her tenant/remodeler. In a rambling half page consisting mostly of drama Ma Griffin indirectly implicates her boy Couy in fraud and also has him lying to the court. Let me take you one a tour of the set of Dim and Dimmer.

Perhaps the most comical part of the Answer is that all 3 defendants are at such a loss to keep their various lies straight they filed a consolidated answer that amounts to all 3 signing the answer written by defendant Catron County Magistrate Susan E. Griffin variously in first and third person. She also demands a jury trial making the concept of a consolidated defense seem ridiculous, especially defendant Chris Lord since he is not implicated in most of the shenanigans.

What is interesting about the Answer, aside from the grammar and punctuation, is that it categorically denies the existence of an agreement or permission of any kind for the tenant to be there even though the defendants are aware of a tiktok video showing Couy Griffin discussing a lease that tenant was to sign a lease as part of his compensation for the work he had already done and was to do in the future. However, in a filing in a separate case Susan Griffin claims at the time Couy Griffin was using a lease he was not authorized to execute to compensate and further induce tenant to do work, that she had a tenant lined up months in advance. Now Ma Griffin is attempting to use this position to dispossess resident/worker of the rental like the Couy lease and electric video never happened. Ma and Couy need to be cooling their heels in prison for attempting to run this con on the tenant and the court.

I was delighted to see Mrs. Griffin wants a trial which means the tenant can question these criminals under oath. I think I will ask 12th Judicial District Attorney Scot Key to send someone over to witness this shell game being unmasked. I mean fraud is a crime.

Stay tuned the Griffin Crime Family is too stupid to shut up now and I don’t suppose that will change in the future.

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Mike Morris

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